Wednesday, December 12, 2012

July 15th, 2013

                Hey everybody. Its Lexi Green...Again!  I’m pretty sure this is my last day blogging though, and then I think it’s Lexi Bowman’s turn!
                Well today was the first full day that we stayed in St. Raphael, and it was so much fun!  Since we were out so late last night to watch the Bastille Day fireworks on the beach, we decided to sleep in and have a relaxing day at the beach!  Because we slept in so late, we missed the free complementary  breakfast that is served at our hotel every morning.  Instead, we started off our day with a casual brunch at Le Sud, which is just down the boulevard from our hotel.  There, we were served with authentic southern cuisine and had wonderful service.  After we finished our meal, we left to go back to the hotel to get ready for our day at the beach!
                The girls and I stood around the hotel lobby for about ten minutes just trying to get everyone covered with sunscreen and hats!  We then called a cab and began our first day on the beautiful beaches of France.  Since we had such a late brunch, at about 11:30 A.M. or 12:00 P.M., we weren't hungry again until later that night at dinnertime, so there wasn't much time we didn't spend at the beach.  Even though Hailey was smothered in sunscreen, she still managed to get the worst sunburn of us all!  So once we realized that spending so many hours in the sun straight wasn't a very good Idea, we all decided to take a walk down the beach and see what kinds of shops and stores we could find.  Though after a while, we had to go back because we all missed the sun and being outside!
                It was such a beautiful day in France, it would have been impossible to have better weather!  The temperature stayed in the high 70s and low 80s, so it wasn’t too hot, but also not too cold to splash around in the water a little bit!  It was also nice and sunny, with just a few clouds to keep the shade every once in a while.  Even though we had a simple day, it was wonderful just being able to relax on the beaches of St. Raphael instead of running around and seeing how many attractions we could get to in one day!
                So far in the trip, I have come to the conclusion that no matter what we are doing—sleeping, eating, relaxing, or running—just about every day in France is a good one!  When the sun started setting and the tide was rolling back in, the girls and I told the cab driver on our way back to the hotel to stop at a local supermarket and let us pick up a few groceries to keep around in the room.  After making a quick stop to buy some things for sandwiches, some bags of chips, a few pieces of fruits, and some packs of sodas, we headed back to our hotel for the day.  Once we got back, we changed into some dry and comfortable clothes and made ourselves dinner with our newly bought groceries.  After eating a pretty decent meal, we turned on a movie and began our cycle through the showers, because even though this room was much bigger than the one in Paris, there was still only one bathroom to it!  I decided to blog while I waited for my turn and watched the movie, except it is all in French.
                We took a guess that it was some sort of love story, but I don’t know if we will ever find out!  Well it’s my turn for the bathroom now and I would rather not give up my turn, so I guess I’ll say goodbye for the night! Au revior!

Le sud = 64.56 euros 
Cab= 18.99 euros 
super market haul = 87.35 euros 
movie rental = 3.80 euros 
Chick flick with friends= Priceless 
Total For Today = $230
Grand Total= $ 13,367.90 

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